
Author Interview: R.T. Kaelin

R.T. Kaelin is an accidental writer. In 2009, while in search for a hobby, he joined a local gaming group and soon found himself writing short stories for his fellow players. When urged to try his hand at something larger, R.T. threw caution to the wind and went at it. Progeny, the first volume in The Children of the White Lions series was self-published in late 2010. The book garnered critical acclaim and hit top 10 top-rated historical fantasy at Amazon. The second in the series, Prophecy, was published in September, 2012. R.T. has had numerous short stories appear in anthologies, including the charity collection Triumph Over Tragedy (which he edited) from which all proceeds are donated to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy Relief. In February, 2013, he signed with a literary agent to pursue a traditional publishing deal for the series and other works. R.T. lives with his wife and two children in Columbus, Ohio.

Thank you so much for being a guest on The Indigo Quill. It is such a pleasure to have you here as I enjoyed your style of writing and the adventure you took us on through your book. Can you tell us a little bit about Progeny and what inspired you to write it?
First off, thanks for having me and I am glad you enjoyed the book so much.

Progeny is the entry volume in The Children of the White Lions series and a grand labor of love. Back in summer of 2009, I started writing little short stories for a gaming group of which I was a part. They professed their enjoyment of the stories and encouraged me to write something a bit longer. At the time, I had just finished reading three bad books full of stereotypical characters and predictable plots. I thought I could do better, so…I tried.

A little over a year later, I had finished Progeny.

Where did you come up with all those unique names? Do they mean anything?
I suppose it depends on the names about which you are asking.

The primary characters, Nikalys and Kenders, are named (and modeled) after my own children. Nikalys (yes, it’s really spelled that way) just turned nine this month and Kennedy turned six in April. He really has bristly, sandy brown hair and she has straw-blonde hair along with hazel eyes that change colors in sun or shade.

As far as everyone and everyplace else are concerned, it rather depends. Before writing the first book, I identified language origins and styles for regions and races. For the most part, I have stuck with them. I have been known to rename a character quite often during the draft stage. For example: I’m writing book 3 in the series now and have renamed one character five or six times and I’m still not happy.

Could you explain your format in which you mark time and what inspired you to do it that way (ie. 7th of the turn of Sutri 4999)?
I did a lot of upfront work on the world before I started writing. I believe the background of a story can be just as important as the story itself, even if only a fraction makes it into the book. It’s like a painting: the background informs the subject.

So, I spent a significant amount of time coming up with histories, lunar cycles, the pantheon of gods, and a calendar. And, actually, at the very end of the book there is an appendix section describing the pantheon of gods, the lunar cycle, and…the calendar:

The calendar of Terrene is symmetrical. Scholars suggest the gods altered the world and the moons to facilitate such a perfectly aligned set of dates. A year on Terrene is exactly three-hundred-sixty days, divided into twelve turns of twenty-eight days per turn. A week is seven days long; four weeks make up a single turn.

Between each turn is a two-day period that belongs to neither the turn before nor the turn that follows. They are commonly referred to as Days of Leisure, and throughout the year are used for feasts and other celebrations.

You seem to have gone far above and beyond with the land of Terrene. Please tell us more about this setting for your book.
Well, as I indicated in my previous answer, I spend a lot of time upfront on the setting when I’m starting on a new project. Here’s my basic approach:
  1. Come up with book/story/series concept.  
  2. Write out basic plot and characters.
  3. Flesh out the world/setting/background.
  4. Delve into plot details, adjust things based on world setting.
  5. Write.
Now, why do I do this?

Nature vs. Nurture.

Social scientists debate the question: are we who we are because of our genetic makeup, or because of the environment in which we are raised? In my humble opinion, it’s both (but more Nurture than Nature).  

My hair and eye color were dictated by genetics, of course, as was my general body shape and size. All those things certainly contribute to who I am. Yet, had I not grown up in Cincinnati, I would not be a Reds fan. Had I not grown up around horses, I might not find the beasts tedious, smelly, and a pain in the rear. Literally.

A character is as much a product of their surrounding as they are of their inherent nature. Having a rich, full world in which they live is important. So, I wrote it. History, mores, religion…everything that makes a culture a culture.

This theme is quite prevalent in Progeny, too. I do not want to give anything away, but…if you read it, you will see what I mean.

How many books should we expect to see out of this series?
The original plan was three. However, not too far into Progeny, I realized that I would more space to tell my story. So, as of now, the plan is five. Book three in the series (which I am about to wrap up the first draft and start editing) plays the traditional role of middle book: “all hope is lost and darkness is ready to reign.”

I see you’re from Ohio! Are you a Buckeyes fan? I look forward to my Wolverines beating you guys in the fall! :)
I am a lifelong Ohio resident, yes. I even live in a Columbus suburb. But am I a Buckeye? Nope.

I was born and raised in Cincinnati and went to college at Ohio University in Athens. That makes me a Bobcat, not a Buckeye. After graduation, I moved to Columbus and took a job in IT. And while I appreciate the locals’ fervor when it comes to football (you have no idea how many different ways there are to spell Buckeye on a license plate), I’m just not feeling it.

That being said: good luck, Wolverine fans. Michigan has no chance against the Bucks in 2013. 

Ouch! :) If you could be a character from Progeny, who would you be and why?
Wow. Good question.

Honestly? I think Jak. His attitude and “voice” are closest to my own. I like him for his loyalty and his “normalness.” Life dealt him a crummy hand and he’s doing the best he can with it.

My wife has remarked that she reads Jak as though it were me talking. I could slide right into that role, no problem.

How did you keep so many story lines going without creating any major plot holes?
Revisions, revisions, revisions.

Here’s a dirty little secret: authors don’t write the story from beginning to end and have it all be perfect the first go around. At least this one doesn’t.

While I have a goal in mind, I personally like to see where the story takes me. Sometimes, that’s in directions I never intended. So, I adjust. Then, I must edit, tweak, cut, chop, massage, streamline, rewrite…whatever.

A perfect example: Nundle Babblebrook, many people’s favorite secondary character, was an accident. A 100% accident. I intended him to be a throwaway character I used for one chapter to revisit the antagonist from a different point of view for a chapter, but then…well, I loved writing him. Loved it. So, I adapted.

Writing is often balance between careful planning and organic spontaneity. Focus on one or the other and you are sunk.

What do you think sets you apart from other writers?
I have been asked this question numerous times and always struggle with it.

My cop-out answer is: I shall leave that up to my readers.

After stalking you a little bit…uh...I mean...after reading up on you through the internet and finding information that just so happens to be available to the public, I noticed you use your talents for some philanthropy. Please tell us about that.
Hooray! I have a stalker!


Anyhow…I assume you must mean the Triumph Over Tragedy charity anthology.

Well, that was sort of an accident. In the days immediately following Hurricane Sandy last fall, I was watching coverage of the destruction on the news and knew I wanted to do something to help. Sure, I could have simply donated a couple bucks to a charity and been done with it, but that seemed inadequate.

Then I had an idea that I thought might end up doing more good: a charity anthology for the victims of Sandy.

Now, you must understand that at that moment, I was an indie writer. Still am, technically, even though I have an agent now and some interest from a couple publishers. As an indie, your pull amongst the author pantheon is less than weighty. One crosses a line when a big house publishes their work.

That being said, I have met a fair share of authors in recent years and so I reached out to a couple, pitching the idea. Oh, my…it was like holding a flame to wood shavings soaked in gasoline.

Within a week, I had about twenty authors signed onto the effort. Within two weeks, we were at forty and I had to stop taking submissions. I had NYT bestsellers, Nebula award winners, giants in the industry—all wanting to contribute a story. The final list included Robert Silverberg, Mark Lawrence, Timothy Zahn, Michael J. Sullivan, Michael A. Stackpole, Tobias S. Buckell, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Elizabeth Bear, Maxwell Alexander Drake, and thirty more.

Thank goodness, a couple editors reached out and offer to help else I would have been in deep trouble. Bryan Thomas SchmidtSarah Chorn (blogger and excellent reviewer), and Rob Rogers.

The anthology went on sale in January and will be available until early July. All proceeds have gone/will go to the American Red Cross.   

I hear Progeny went through a second edition. How do you utilize constructive criticism?
Actually, it is in its fourth incarnation.

The first edition was the result of me having no idea what I was doing. Having never written much of anything prior, silly me went and wrote a 312k word behemoth of a book. The end result (something I did not realize until much later) was a good story but a bad book. Yet I managed somehow to start building a fan base.

In the fall of 2011, I had an opportunity to get Progeny in front of an agent via a friend of a friend. I sent off the original and waited. By the time I heard back from him, I had the rough draft of the second book done, along with over a dozen short (and not so short) stories. He said “no, thanks” and gave a long list of reasons why. His criticism stung—a lot—but I realized it was dead on. So, I took an honest look at the book and went to revising it.

That produced edition two. I hired Rose Fox (awesome editor), got some feedback from her, and then revised again. Edition Three.

That edition is the one with which I queried agents. When I signed with Andrew Zack in February 2013, I asked him to give me a month and I edited it ONE last time before he sent it out to editors.

If you want to get better, criticism is critical. It can sting, but the pain dulls. You take what you can from it, learn, and get better.

Your book sucked me in from the beginning. I mean, you began with a significant life-changing event in the first several pages! What made you decide to have that as your “introduction” to your readers? 
I don’t like books with four chapters of setup. I wanted something big and bad to happen right out of the gate, ripping the protagonists’ world apart. Then they, along with the reader, get to learn the “why” behind what just happened. It’s more fun that way.

Who’s your favorite villain from Progeny?
Well, Progeny only really scratches the surface of the big, bad evil that is ongoing in the world of Terrene. Jhaell is the book’s villain, but by no means is he the driving force behind everything that is happening. As the series goes on, we learn what the true threat is and the cast of villains expands. I have my favorite in the series, for sure, but don’t want to mention who that is here for fear I would be giving away too much.

Are you reading anything right now?
At the moment, nothing. But the next two books on my to-be-read list are Inheritance (by Christopher Paolini) and Name of the Wind (by Patrick Rothfuss). I have a panel in a couple weeks with Rothfuss and am thinking I should probably read something of his.

Lastly, what would you like your readers to know before reading your book?
Reading Progeny will end all wars and solve world hunger.

Nah. Not really. Just hop in and enjoy it.

Haha! Again, thank you for the opportunity to have you at The Indigo Quill. I’ve really enjoyed Progeny and look forward to reading the next installment (Readers: The next book in the series 'Prophecy', was published last fall, so be sure to grab a copy of that one, too!).


Review: Progeny (The Children of the White Lions #1) by R.T. Kaelin

Title: Progeny (The Children of the White Lions #1)
Author: R.T. Kaelin
Publisher: Terrene Press
Publication Date: November 7th, 2010
Pages: 672
Genre: YA Fantasy
Source: ARC from Author


Summary (from the Goodreads): Nikalys and his sister Kenders grew up living a peaceful life in the quiet farming village of Yellow Mud... until the blistering hot day when they go to the nearby lake for a swim. When they reach the lake, they spy an unknown mage conjure a massive water creature hundreds of feet tall. They watch in horror as the water creature plunges toward their home, apparently drowning all in its path, including their parents and older brother, Jak.

As the only survivors, brother and sister strike out on their own, hoping to discover the reason their home and family was destroyed. They must make their way through a countryside where magic is outlawed, punishable by imprisonment or even death while struggling with the revelation that Kenders has magical abilities herself.

Although Kenders can feel and touch the many-colored "strands" of magic she has no idea how to use them until she and Nikalys are attacked by a pack of wolves and Kenders instinctively summons a bolt of lightning, immediately collapsing when the effort drains her of all her energy. From nowhere a giant lynx appears and saves the pair from certain death and then miraculously morphs into his natural self, a seven-foot-tall man. The shape changer's name is Broedi and when the time is right, he reveals to the siblings that he is one of the original White Lions and he recites to them an ancient prophecy that tells of the coming of a new and even more terrible war than the one centuries ago. The evil Gods of Chaos, Strife, and Sorrow and Pain would combine efforts to unite the orcs, gnolls and razorfiends --- normally sworn enemies. The forces of good would be led by two children of other White Lions; those children are Nikalys and Kenders, the Progeny.

As brother and sister struggle with the revelation that the only parents they could remember were not their birth parents, some of the Gods and Goddesses were busy setting other events in motion. Others people - strangers at first - would gather and become allies of the Progeny. Together, they were about to be caught up in the greatest conflict the world had ever seen.

Ancient, powerful forces still seek the Progeny on their travels, some intent to eliminate the threat they pose, some hoping to help them fulfill a destiny of which they are unaware. Myths and legends come to life, whisking the pair along a journey they never could have imagined possible.


I don't normally begin with a punch line, but I aspire to be one of those "featured reviews" you see on the back of book covers one day. Anyway, here's the punch line: Progeny is one of those books you see made into a movie. It's a story that captures the reader and doesn't let them go, not even at the final page. If you enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia or the works of Paolini then you will most definitely enjoy Progeny. As YA Fantasy novels go, this is one of those that leaves me impressed and wanting for more. You can tell that R.T. Kaelin took his time to develop his story and characters to give them dimension and bring them to life. 

A quality I find that good authors share is the ability to make their stories come alive, where it becomes so real to them they offer the reader more to explore outside of their book (i.e. J.K. Rowling writing "Quidditch Through The Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them or J.R. Tolkein's Middle Earth). Kaelin does exactly this. Not only has he written a hefty book full of depth and plot, but from exploring his website and receiving sources from him myself, I see that he has taken his story and breathed life into it. 

So if you couldn't tell, I loved this book. I loved the magic, the drama, the characters, the twists and the mystery. It has all of those elements in one. Usually when I start a book I have to keep telling myself, "just get through the first few chapters, they always get better after that." Not here. I loved that you hit the ground running on the very first page. As you travel through the story with the main characters, you find yourself searching for answers along with them, turning the pages so you can journey onto the next moment with them. 

5 stars, and I can't wait to read the next installment!

Also, be sure to catch R.T. Kaelin's Prequel to the series, aka "The Nundle Bundle":

We will be posting a special interview with the author tomorrow, you won't want to miss it!


Throwback Thursday Review/Spotlight: The Alchemist/Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Title: The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: May 1, 1993 (first published 1988)
Pages: 167
Genre: Spirituality
Source: Purchased @ Amazon.com


Summary (from Goodreads): PAULO COELHO'S enchanting novel has inspired a devoted following around the world. This story, dazzling in its powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemist, all of whom points Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasure found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story of Santiago is an eternal testament to the transformation power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.


In honor of Paulo Coelho's latest edition of his book Manuscript Found in Accra, I decided to do a review on an oldie but a goodie. His work that started it all: The Alchemist. I finally read this book last year when it was a pick for a book club I was in at my church. I had heard about it and knew of a lot of people who just thought it was the best book ever. Did I find it to be the absolute best book I've ever read? No, not really. But I did find it very unique and inspiring.

In The Alchemist, we travel on a journey with a boy named Santiago who leaves his home and so-called "destiny" of being a shepherd boy to search for an unknown treasure, his "Personal Legend." Along the way, he comes into contact with people and situations that help or hinder them, but he perseveres nonetheless. 

There are a few things I would recommend a reader to be aware of before diving into this book: 1) This isn't necessarily a novel as it is an extended parable. Coelho writes in a way that is simple and to-the-point so don't expect a lot of "fluff." 2) This book was originally written in Portuguese, not English. ....That's all I have to say about that. 3) Even though this book is written in simple-terms, there is an endless number of symbolism to keep an eye out for.

That being said, the general intent of The Alchemist is to paint a picture of man's journey out of the mundane life to pursue his calling. There are many obstacles in the way, doubts that creep in, and even people who may be against you, but that doesn't make the things that you have set out to accomplish any less real or out of reach. It's a beautiful thing and that's what The Alchemist portrays. It leaves the reader thoughtful and hopefully even a little inspired.

Stay classy my friends,

Title: Manuscript Found in Accra

Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: Knopf
Publication Date: April 2, 2013 (first published 2010)
Pages: 208
Genre: Spirituality

Summary (from Goodreads): There is nothing wrong with anxiety. Although we cannot control God's time, it is part of the human condition to want to receive the thing we are waiting for as quickly as possible. Or to drive away whatever is causing our fear....
Anxiety was born in the very same moment as mankind. And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it-just as we have learned to live with storms.

July 14, 1099. Jerusalem awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the city's gates. There, inside the ancient city's walls, men and women of every age and every faith have gathered to hear the wise words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth:

"Tomorrow, harmony will become discord. Joy will be replaced by grief. Peace will give way to war.... None of us can know what tomorrow will hold, because each day has its good and its bad moments. So, when you ask your questions, forget about the troops outside and the fear inside. Our task is not to leave a record of what happened on this date for those who will inherit the Earth; history will take care of that. Therefore, we will speak about our daily lives, about the difficulties we have had to face."

The people begin with questions about defeat, struggle, and the nature of their enemies; they contemplate the will to change and the virtues of loyalty and solitude; and they ultimately turn to questions of beauty, love, wisdom, sex, elegance, and what the future holds. "What is success?" poses the Copt. "It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace."

Now, these many centuries later, the wise man's answers are a record of the human values that have endured throughout time. And, in Paulo Coelho's hands, The Manuscript Found in Accra reveals that who we are, what we fear, and what we hope for the future come from the knowledge and belief that can be found within us, and not from the adversity that surrounds us.



Cover Reveal: Romancing The Bookworm by Kate Evangelista

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Title: Romancing the Bookworm
Author: Kate Evangelista
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Genre: Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Expected release date: July 9, 2013
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Summary (from the author): Sometimes, even the best-laid plans can unravel. It's spring break, and Tamara Winters would rather stay on campus and read romance novels than flaunt her size-fourteen body on a beach. But her best friend, Ronni, has other ideas. Against her wishes, Tamara is whisked away to picturesque Maverick Bay, where she's wrangled into waiting tables with Ronni at the Shore Shack for its busy week leading to Maverick's Surf Invitational. There she meets fellow schoolmate Xavier Solomon, the Invitational's organizer and campus womanizer by reputation. From the moment Tamara sees him emerging from the waves like a hero in of one of her romance novels, all she wants to do is run away from the feelings he inspires in her. Little does she know Xavier has been watching her for weeks now. In fact, after failed attempts at asking her out on campus, he's concocted a crazy plan: fabricating romantic situations straight out of her favorite books. Xavier quickly realizes that if Tamara gets a whiff of his designs, he might as well spell CREEPER across his forehead. Yet as they grow closer, he's convinced it's a risk worth taking. What he hasn't planned on, of course, is his drug-addicted, alcoholic stepbrother, who decides to join the fun and put a wrench in Xavier’s scheme. Spring break is proving hotter than Tamara expected. Will her romance novels be able to compete?  

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When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today, she has four completed Young Adult novels. 

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Review: Crush. Candy. Corpse. by Sylvia McNicoll

Title: Crush. Candy. Corpse.
Author: Sylvia McNicoll
Publisher: James Lorimer & Company
Publication Date: February 17, 2012
Pages: 224
Genre: YA, Mystery
Source: ARC from Publisher


Summary (from Goodreads): Paradise Manor is depressing - the smells are bad and the residents are old. Sunny would much rather be doing her volunteer hours at Salon Teo, but her teacher won't let her. Who says volunteering at a hair salon doesn't benefit the community?

But working with the Alzheimer's patients has a surprising effect on Sunny. Along with Cole, the grandson of one of the residents, she begins to see that the residents don't have much more choice about their lives than she does: what they eat, how they are treated by staff, even what they watch on television. So Sunny does what she can to make the residents happy - even if she has to sometimes break the rules to do it.

But when tragedy strikes at Paradise, Sunny's left to make the decision about whether or not to honor a promise that Cole made to his grandmother about her life and her death.


Being a cosmetologist and also hearing stories from my social-work friends who work in nursing homes, I actually found this book...what's the word...almost endearing with a touch of humor. I felt for the main character, Sonja aka Sunny, as she just seemed to be misunderstood and trying to establish her role in life during her teenage years. We all experienced peer pressure and toxic relationships growing up, but not everyone experiences the selflessness of volunteer work. Especially in a place like a nursing home. Even though this wasn't an action-packed fantasy romance novel, Sylvia McNicoll took me on a journey that pulled me in and left me thoughtful and growing along with the main character.

I really enjoyed the unique format this was written in. We find ourselves ping-ponging between the present-day courtroom and the flashbacks of the 41 hours Sunny spent at Paradise Manor. At first it was difficult to decipher between where Sunny's journal entries ended and the flashbacks began, but after the first few I figured it out. I do wish there was a better division between the two, I think it would have been more helpful to the reader.

From the acknowledgements in the back, it seems that McNicoll really did her research before she wrote this book and integrated some experiences of her own. I like seeing that an author did their homework. 

Honestly, this reminded me of one of those kinds of books you read from your school library in Elementary (4th grade+) or Junior High. I think this could be a useful title in those venues as it isn't inappropriate in the least and contains a storyline that provides mystery and education in one. No steamy romance scenes, either.

If you're looking for a light read that doesn't necessarily provide a deep storyline, then I would recommend this book. Like I said, it didn't take me on any grand adventure, but it did leave me thoughtful. 4 stars for this one. :)

Good reading tidings,